House Of A.

La vita dietro le quinte di Audrina Coolbridge, antidiva per eccellenza e reginetta del fancazzismo.
Life behind the scenes of Audrina Coolbridge, anti-diva par excellence and queen of laziness.

Audrina Coolbridge

Audrina è l'attrice che interpreta Raquelle nello show "Life In The DreamHouse". Non ha nulla in comune col personaggio dello show. Audrina is the actress who plays Raquelle on the show "Life In The Dreamhouse". She has nothing in common with the character of the show.

Paula F.

E' una blogger clandestina amante del gossip, che vuole scoprire qual'è "il segreto di Audrina".
She's an underground blogger, gossip lover, who wants to find out what's "the secret of Audrina."

Lily VanHoosen

E' la capo redattrice di una rivista di moda molto nota, FD Magazine. E' una amica di infanzia di Audrina. She is the chief editor of a well known fashion magazine, FD Magazine. She is a childhood friend of Audrina.

Skylar McG.

E' la seconda coinquilina di Audrina. Lavora in una officina meccanica ed è un'abile chitarrista. She is the second roommate of Audrina. She works in a machine shop and is a skilled guitarist.

D*chess Lee Jung 

E' la prima coinquilina di Audrina. E' una rapper asiatica con il mito di Niki Minaj. She is the first roommate of Audrina. She is an Asian rapper with the myth of Niki Minaj.

Tiffany, Laurel, Noura

Colleghe di lavoro di Audrina, fanno parte anche loro del cast di Life In The Dream House. Interpretano rispettivamente: Midge, Teresa e Nikki. Co-Workers of Audrina, also belong to the cast of Life In The Dream House. They play respective: Midge, Theresa and Nikki.


Friday Night - Facebooking (click HERE)

Audrina's secret? (click HERE)

Friday Night - Backstage (click HERE)

Friday Night - Karaoke (click HERE)

Benefit (click HERE)

Friday Night - Oh, Miley! (click HERE)

Friday Night - Someone Like me (click HERE)

Kiev (click HERE)

Friday Night - Brazilian vax (click HERE)

Friday Night - Fan Art (click HERE)

Virtue (click HERE)

Friday Night - GLS (click HERE)

Cheap philosophy (click HERE)

Friday Night - Girl on fire (click HERE)

Just sayin' (click HERE)

Friday Night - So, what? (click HERE)

Audrina's secret - 2 (click HERE)

extra: May 17 (click HERE)

Friday Night - Cosplay (click HERE)

Audrina Goes to Italian Doll Convention! (click HERE)

Audrina is back in town (click HERE)

What did you do this Summer? (click HERE)

Genuine leather (click HERE)

Audrina's secret - 3 (click HERE)

Dancing With The Stars (click HERE)

Butt (click HERE)

Pet (click HERE)

Audrina's secret - 4 (click HERE)

25 November (click HERE)

Collection (click HERE)

The new world (click HERE)

Someday my Duke will come... (click HERE)

Audrina's secret - 5 (click HERE)

House of A. last episode! (click HERE)

extra: House of A Christmas Carol (click HERE)

extra: A tip for the New Year's Eve (click HERE)

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